Lunes, Hulyo 3, 2017

Lift Martial Law! Uphold Human Rights and Dignity! Strengthen Peoples’ Solidarity! - MPPM

The botched arrest of Abu Sayyaf leader Isnilon Hapilon on May 23, 2017 afternoon has led to almost two months confrontation between the AFP and Maute Group that ruined Marawi City and displaced almost 400,000 population of the City including those in the nearby municipalities. Maute and Abu Sayyaf groups launched their attack to all considered to be non-believers of their interpretation of Islam. While in Moscow, Russia for an official visit with his cabinet officials, President Duterte declared Martial Law all over Mindanao. According to him, the declaration was made to prevent possible spill-over of the conflict and to combat terrorism.

The dark specter of Martial Law is again upon us. Yet sadly, in this historical moment, we are deeply polarized. People not from Mindanao are refrained from voicing out their opinions against Martial Law. We, from the grassroots communities in Mindanao believed otherwise. Martial Law is a national concern especially that it threatens the democratic rights that many of us and our predecessors have fought so hard to achieve during the Marcos’ years.

Our country is divided in our opposition to the Martial law Declaration. One thing that unifies us is the stand to fight against terrorism.

Admittedly, the peoples of Mindanao in different areas have varied experiences of the effects of Martial Law on their daily lives. In some areas in Mindanao, it is noticeable that peoples and communities are afraid borne from the bitter lessons of the Marcosian Martial Law. Curfew hours were followed and even the tight security checks in many check points were adhered to without complaints. A sense of submission to the authorities is palpable as many people believe that as security officers they knew what is best for the people. In these areas, the people felt that the declaration brought order and discipline to their communities.

Unfortunately, this is not true to all the cities, provinces and municipalities near and prone to armed conflicts related to the Bangsamoro struggles. A huge majority of the Bangsamoro members have experienced and noticed that the Martial Law is used to systematically attack them as a people . There were documented cases of : Torture of Marawi crisis survivors being suspected as members of the local terrorist groups; public humiliation of Moro civilians who were made to stand beside the posters and photos of the members of Maute group in checkpoints; Martial Law caused immobility among IDPs after losing their identification cards while on the rush to safety ; a growing division among local populations due to the experienced high discrimination against the Moro population. In Iligan City, Cagayan de Oro, Davao and Davao Oriental there were already harassment of Moro communities and to those fleeing Marawi residents who sought safety in their relatives; movements of the IDPs were being monitored and houses were searched for the same reasons – they are from Marawi City and belongs to Moro population; Martial Law declaration have not contained terrorism, instead it terrorized the civilian populations and communities.

These are not only prevalent among Moro civilians and communities. The declaration also made the lives of the Indigenous Peoples difficult with their mobility limited. They experience difficulties tending towards their farms or organizing farm labors to work on their farms as coming together in groups are regulated. They are afraid of being tagged as members of terrorist groups when they cannot produce identification cards. For many of them, identification cards are unknown to their culture. Armed men roaming around their communities made them vulnerable to be caught in the possible armed encounters between and among warring groups.

The Mindanao Peoples’ Peace Movement is a network of grassroots tri-peoples coming from the different communities of Mindanao. It is very much aware of the diversity and dynamism of its constituents s a microcosm of the Mindanao society. Despite its diversity it is united under the principles of human rights, peace, justice and solidarity. It is with these guiding principles buttressed by the experiences of our Bangsamoro and Lumad peers and constituents that made us firm in our conviction to Condemn and Oppose the declaration of Martial Law in Mindanao. We are deeply concern that Martial Law, like the Martial Law of the former President Marcos that was and now is declared to supposedly contain terrorism and protect the civilian populace but with the ongoing armed conflict and airstrikes in Marawi, will again be used as a justification to further the declaration.

We reiterate that putting the country under Martial Law does not contain the rise of violent extremism and insurgency rather it become fodder for human insecurity and breeds more discontents. Thus, we demand for the lifting of the declaration of Martial law and oppose any plans of its extension while support the fight against terrorism. However, in the pursuit of terrorists, we call upon the Duterte government to not jeopardize the safety and welfare of the people, respect and uphold human rights and dignity at all times.

We demand investigations of local government officials for not responding to the information reported by the local population months and weeks before the tragic incident. We demand the same accountability from the security sector for the lack and poor intelligence work despite the threats and reports from the communities before the Marawi siege;

We call on peoples and communities to stand firm and hold on to our conviction for justpeace among us as we pursue the realization of each peoples’ right to self-determination;

The current crisis is bound to happen again and again unless and until the present government will genuinely address the historical injustices committed against the Bangsamoro and the Lumad peoples. Genuine peace processes should be pursued and must ensure the participation of the communities;

We are reminding all men and women in uniform to perform according to their oath – to respect human rights above all in service and protection of the civilian populations even in their fight against terrorism.
Lift Martial Law! 
Uphold Human Rights and Dignity! 
Strengthen Peoples’ Solidarity!

Council of Peoples’ Representatives
Mindanao Peoples’ Peace Movement (MPPM)
June 30, 2017
Davao City